Buying houses in Monopoly

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As the name implies, Monopoly is the exclusive possession or control of the trade supply in commodities or services. Players use phony money to simulate real estate and financial transactions in the Monopoly board game.

The whole essence of the game is to buy properties, build houses and hotels on those properties, and collect rent from your opponents when they land on your property. The aim is to bankrupt other players; that way, you become the wealthiest player. 

Sounds fun and intriguing, right? Well, just like every other game, Monopoly has a set of rules that you must abide by, especially when it comes to buying houses. As this article progresses, it will disclose every rule you need to know to guarantee gaming prowess and excellence. But before we consider these rules, below are some quick facts about buying houses in Monopoly.

Quick Facts About Buying Houses in Monopoly

  • Houses can be sold only to the bank for half the initial cost. You can’t sell or trade with other players.
  • You can’t have more than one hotel in a space.
  • The final house and hotels should be auctioned between players.
  • Players can only buy hotels when they have four houses on each property within the color set.
  • Players can buy houses whenever they want.
  • Players can buy houses in jail.
  • Players can only buy houses when they own all properties within a color set.

How Do You Buy Houses in Monopoly?

One of the key things you need to know when purchasing a house in Monopoly is that you can only buy houses on a vacant property. This means when you land on an unowned property, you can either choose to buy it or not. And if you eventually buy it, you are at liberty to purchase a house. 

Also, you can only purchase a house when you have enough money to pay in full; you must pay the listed price to acquire a house. Sadly, there are no bargains in buying houses, but interestingly, these rules spice up the game.

 And, by extension, you are not allowed to purchase a house within a color set of properties if any of them are mortgaged. This simply means that you can’t buy a house when you are in debt; more so, you cannot collect rent on a mortgaged property until you pay off your loan. You can only collect rent on unmortgaged properties in the same group.

Another rule you need to know when buying a house is that you can only buy houses when you own all the properties in the same color set. For instance, the light blue color group includes Baltic Avenue, Oriental Avenue, and Mediterranean Avenue. If you intend to buy houses on one of these properties, you must first own all three properties in the group. Ownership of all three properties grants you the liberty to buy houses on any of them.

When purchasing a house, you must do so evenly; that is, you must buy an equal number of houses in each property that belong to a specific color group. This means that if you own three properties in a color group and wish to buy three houses, you must place one on each property. This rule was to prevent players from concentrating all their efforts on securing houses for only one property, making it difficult for other players to land their properties. 

Correspondingly, another rule preventing players from concentrating their power in one area is being allowed to buy a hotel once you have purchased four houses on all properties in a set. Now, if the game allows a player to buy a hotel on one property in a group, it would pose many difficulties when other players land on the other properties in the set. 

Essentially, insisting that players own four houses on each property before buying a hotel keeps the game fair and balanced. It’s important to note that this rule only applies to properties in the same color group.

Likewise, it is important to remember that in Monopoly, hotels replace houses. Once you build a hotel on a property, you cannot purchase more hotels or houses. In actuality, there are few houses and hotels.

Last but not least, you can sell hotels and houses only to the bank and for a discounted price. They are not exchangeable for money or with other players. 

When Can You Build Houses in Monopoly?

You can build houses once you have acquired every property in a color set. You cannot buy houses on mortgaged properties. If you must, you should pay the mortgage before purchasing a house. You can buy houses during your turn or between other players’ turns. 

When it comes to building houses, there are a few rules you need to know, like building as many houses per turn, having enough money to pay for the house in full, not being able to build if you have any mortgaged properties within the color set; and not being allowed to build on the utilities.

Can You Only Buy Houses On Your Turn?

Yes, you can buy houses when it’s your turn. You can purchase houses between other players’ turns if you have the money. However, you cannot decide to buy houses whenever you like. In Monopoly, you must wait for the player to roll and play his turn before you make your move. 

If another player gets to roll before you mention your intent to buy a house, you must wait. You’re too late! You’ll have to wait for the player’s turn to end before you proceed. Therefore, concentrate on the game whenever you play. 

Remember that buying properties when you see a likely advantage can be a good strategy. However, take advantage of those opportunities when they arise.

Deciding which properties to build houses on can be a hassle when playing Monopoly. But I’ve got you. I will give you my secret strategy for leverage before buying a house in Monopoly.

There is a requirement for this strategy. You must have money. So let’s dig into my secrets.

For example, you own a couple of properties, and they are all complete. You own the Light Blue properties, Yellow properties, and Green properties. And now you’re wondering where’s most profitable to buy houses. Start thinking about possibilities. Where are other players likely to land as they pass this board section?

Assuming an opponent’s token is still on GO, you have three options. Build on the Light Blue, Yellow, or Green properties.

However, I start thinking of possibilities at this time. It is likely that this player can escape the Light Blue properties. But the Yellow and Green properties pose a higher threat for some reason.

  • Rent costs much more.
  • They are placed strategically on the board
  • They are next to each other

These reasons are why you must take advantage of your properties. So strategically, buying houses on Yellow and Green properties is wise. If you have enough money, buy as many houses as you can afford, which increases your chances. Load up properties!

Furthermore, you should not throw caution to the wind when playing this strategy. Ensure to have adequate money at hand after purchasing these houses. This reminder is essential if you’re approaching high-value properties or stations yourself. 

Remembering that you can only sell houses for half their price will guide you to make intelligent decisions when spending money on houses. If you have to sell a house to pay another player’s rent, you’re at a financial loss.

Can You Buy Houses After You Roll?

You need to do a few things first if you want to buy houses during your turn. Before moving your token or performing any actions on the space you landed on, you must roll the dice. Afterward, you can purchase a house.

Therefore, you might need to purchase or auction property, pay rent, deal a card, or serve time in jail before buying houses. This approach actually makes more sense. It would be bad to buy houses with your money only to roll around and realize you needed the money for something else.

Do You Have To Own All Properties To Buy a House?

No, you don’t have to own all the properties before you can buy a house. But you can only purchase a house on the property you bought. 

However, before you can buy a house, you must own all properties within the same color set. For example, before you can buy houses on Boardwalk, you must also own Park Place. For properties with three properties within the same color set, you must own all three.

If you have mortgaged properties among the color set on which you intend to build houses, you must unmortgage them before proceeding. Else, you cannot build houses on the color set.

However, because most times, you cannot guarantee landing on all properties within a color set, you must learn the art of trading. And that is why Monopoly is called the Property Trading Game. 

You cannot bank on winning auctions. Sometimes you’re not the richest in the game, and other players will outbid you to prevent you from getting your desired property. 

So you must learn to trade smartly and efficiently. You can easily complete a color set and start building houses by giving others what they want in exchange for what you need.

Do You Have To Land On Your Property To Buy a House?

No, you must not land on your property to buy a house. This isn’t a thing as long as you follow the official Monopoly rules. Regardless of where you are on the Monopoly board, you can buy houses as long as you can afford them. 

The only rule you must remember is that you must own all properties of the same color set. Also, announce your interest in buying a house immediately after a player rolls and moves his token. 

If it’s your turn, kindly roll and move your token before buying a house. This rule ensures you’re not stranded after spending most of your money buying houses. Imagine you decide to buy houses on your properties and have $300 cash. You spend all your money on houses and have only $50 left. Your token is on the first Green property. You roll 7 and land on Luxury Tax. Now you have to pay $100 to the bank. What will you do?

The only way out in this scenario is to sell one of the houses you just bought for half the price to the bank. That doesn’t sound like a strategic thing to do. So make sure you analyze before your every move. 

How Much Does Buying Houses Cost in Monopoly?

There is no standard price for houses in Monopoly. Prices depend on the group of properties. However, houses cost between $50 and $200.

Without looking at the property deeds, you can easily tell how much houses cost on each section of the Monopoly board. All you have to do is remember that on the first part of the board, from GO all the way to jail, houses cost $50.

They then go up by $50 on the other side of the board. For example, the pink group of properties costs $100 because they are on the second side of the board. The Red properties cost $150, as they are on the third side of the board.

  • Brown – $50
  • Light Blue – $50
  • Pink – $100
  • Orange – $100
  • Red – $150 
  • Yellow – $150
  • Green – $200
  • Dark Blue – $200

So when next you’re wondering how much houses cost on the board, just following the SkyVanga formula.

Buying more houses in Monopoly indeed increases your income. However, purchasing many houses can be draining. You could even go bankrupt if you do not trade carefully. 

It would cost you $1600 for the Dark Blue properties to buy four houses each. If you decide to add the cost of the property, that would be $2350. Despite your investment, you only collect $1700 when a player lands on Boardwalk and $1300 if they land on Park Place. Is that a wise investment? Your answer?

Think about the Green properties. It will cost you $2400 to build 4 houses and $3320 if you include the cost of properties. Rent is $1100 each time a player lands on these properties.

Now compare that to upgrading houses in the Orange properties. Four houses would cost $1200, with the property $1760. When a player lands on any of these properties, rent is $800.

If you compare the Green properties with the Orange, there is only a $400 difference in rent. Is it really worth paying an extra $1560 for? I don’t think so.

However, each player must decide how he wants to play. No straight-up strategy can guarantee you a win in Monopoly. Make the best decision you can at every point in the game.

How Many Houses Can You Buy At a Time in Monopoly?

There are no restrictions regarding the number of houses you can buy in Monopoly. You can buy as many houses as you can afford. As mentioned earlier, the only rule guiding this is that you must buy the houses evenly across the same property set.

Remember that you can buy properties whenever you want, whether during your turn or after another player’s turn.

Do You Have To Buy Houses Evenly in Monopoly?

Yes, you must build houses evenly in Monopoly. When building houses on a single color set, spread them evenly across all properties. 

What You Can Do

For example, if you own all Yellow properties and intend to buy four houses, you must spread one house on two of them, and the last one can have three. That way, it’s even. 

You can also have houses on all three sets of one property and two houses evenly distributed on another color set. It doesn’t matter if the last property within the set gets no house as long as others have just one on them.

What You Can’t Do

You’re not allowed to own all Dark Blue properties and place four houses on Boardwalk while having two houses on Park Place. If you want six houses, the proper way to distribute is to have three houses on Boardwalk and three on Park Place. This rule is clear and easy to understand. 

Even when playing with house rules, do not establish rules that allow players to place unevenly. That takes the fun from the game.

Do You Have To Go Around The Board Once In Monopoly To Buy Property?

No, players can buy any property they land on from the start of the game. However, some players set house rules that may sometimes mean that all players must go around the board at least once before buying houses. This rule could make the game even more exciting as everyone has to race to GO.

Can You Buy Houses While In Jail?

Yes, if it serves any purpose, you can buy houses while in jail. However, examine your circumstances before paying for houses in Monopoly.

Rules For Buying a Hotel in Monopoly

Hotels are the crest of upgrading properties and buying houses in Monopoly. When you upgrade to hotels, players who land on your property will pay considerable amounts to enjoy your hotel’s beautiful scenery and services. Rent can be really damaging to them, as a single hotel can leave an opponent bankrupt even if he sells all his houses and mortgages his properties. 

Most hotels have a four-figure rent and can greatly impact the cash reserves of other players.

Whenever I build hotels, I experience calm in my heart because I know anyone who lands on it will pay so much. Am I the only one who starts singing the fantastic features of my hotels in the ears of other players? Just me? Okay! 

I do not smile so much in a reversed situation because I know I’m in trouble. 

How To Buy Hotels in Monopoly

Players must have four houses on the property to buy a hotel. As long as other properties on the same color set have equal houses, you do not need to upgrade them all. 

For the property you need to upgrade, simply paying for a fifth house qualifies it as a hotel. Quickly replace it with the big red hotels. There are no restrictions regarding buying hotels. You can either buy it during your turn or after another player’s turn.

Can You Build Hotels Without Houses in Monopoly?

No. Players who intend to build hotels must first build four houses. In some versions of Monopoly, this rule is different. However, the standard Monopoly rules require owning four houses before upgrading to a hotel.

If you’re curious about which version of Monopoly has this different rule, Check out Monopoly: Longest Game Ever. In this version of Monopoly, you only need three houses across all properties in a color set, after which you can buy a hotel.

How Many Hotels Can You Have in Monopoly?

Players can only have one hotel per property. Sometimes I wish the rules were different; other times, I’m grateful for them. 

In the Monopoly box, there are only 12 hotels. When these hotels are exhausted, you can no longer build hotels. Before buying, you must wait for another player to downgrade or sell his hotel to the bank.

Can You Buy a Hotel Without Buying Houses in Monopoly?

No, to buy hotels, players must buy houses evenly across their color set. Houses only qualify as hotels after a player pays for the fifth house on the space. Remember, houses must be spread evenly. This means you can’t build a hotel with one property having three houses in a color set. You must complete the fourth house, then buy the fifth.

How Much Do You Pay For Hotels in Monopoly?

Hotels cost as much as houses on the properties do. It increases by $50 on each side of the Monopoly board. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Buying Houses in Monopoly

How Can I Buy Houses in Monopoly?

To buy houses in Monopoly, you must first buy properties. The game requires that players own all three properties within a color set. If you don’t, it might be time to trade with another player.

When you own all properties, you pay the cost of the house written on your property deed to the bank. The bank gives you the house to place on your property.

How Much is a House in Monopoly?

Houses cost between $50 and $200 on the Monopoly Board. The cheapest is the Brown and Light Blue properties, just after GO. As you proceed to the other sides of the board, house costs increase by $50.

When Can You Buy Houses in Monopoly?

You can buy houses whether it’s your turn or another player’s. The only rule is to roll and move your token or allow the player to roll before buying houses.

Can You Buy Houses in Monopoly At Any Time?

Yes. You can buy houses at any time in Monopoly. However, you cannot buy a house on mortgaged properties.

Should I Buy Every Property I Land On in Monopoly?

Well, it’s a matter of strategy. If you have specific places to buy, you can skip or auction the properties you land on. However, I prefer to buy every property I land on. This way, I can get properties to trade for the ones I need. 

How Many Places Can You Buy On a Monopoly Board?

You can buy as many properties and houses as you can in Monopoly. In fact, that is the main objective of the game. You want to remain the wealthiest man in the game. What other way to stay rich than to create avenues to generate money?

Can You Buy Houses From Other Players in Monopoly?

You cannot buy houses from other players. It is not allowed in Monopoly. However, you purchase or trade properties with other players. 


Buying houses is the objective of the Monopoly game. In other words, try to buy as many houses as you can. But do this strategically, and you can become unstoppable. While you go on in your conquest, follow the rules guiding buying houses in Monopoly.