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Board Games

Orange Monopoly Properties
When beating your friends in Monopoly becomes your next favorite thing, understanding how you can constantly do so becomes the next thing on your mind. One factor that can help you in your quest is understanding the best Monopoly properties to buy as soon as the game begins. It might be news to you, but some properties in Monopoly properties...
Monopoly Age Range
Monopoly is a fun game enjoyed by many globally. Since its creation, there have been different versions of the game, ranging from online versions to card games and board games. You can play Monopoly on gaming consoles like the Playstation, where players can connect to play the game online. If you’re wondering what age is proper for your child to...
Go in Monopoly
In Monopoly, the game starts with players on the Go space. If you’ve played Monopoly before, you would know that this is where all players start and are always happy to reach any point in the game.  Among all the famous and iconic phrases born from Monopoly, those associated with Go in Monopoly are at the top of the list....
Rent in Monopoly
Collecting rent in Monopoly is one of the most essential parts of the game. In fact, it is the core of the game. Collecting rent is the only reason we strive to buy properties on thriving spaces on the Monopoly board. We strategize, plan, and execute to collect rent from other players and ultimately make them bankrupt. Monopoly would be...
Have you ever felt like there are some rules you could use if you decide on Monopoly rules? Have you ever felt like adding some extra rules to restrict or reward certain actions on the Monopoly board? You’re in luck! You can add House rules in Monopoly. But adding rules to your game can either be an awful idea...
Monopoly Money
Money sits right in the heart of the Monopoly board game. It’s also one of the most valuable commodities in Monopoly. Without money, the game loses its purpose. Sadly, we run out of it sometimes. Isn’t that scary?  Remember that Monopoly ends when one player remains with cash. However, since running out of money is inevitable, what happens when players...
Doubles in Monopoly
Every time I roll doubles in Monopoly, I’m excited because I know I’ve got superpowers at this point. But sometimes, I argue with my friends about what to do and what not to do when rolling doubles in Monopoly.  If, like me, you’re arguing about the Monopoly rules for rolling doubles or find the rules in the rulebook too complex...
How much money comes in a monopoly game
You’d agree that being in jail is no fun. No one wants to be stuck in the “big house” with all its restrictions. For most lovers of Monopoly, going around the board is much more fun than being stuck in a place, especially a place like jail.  But is going to jail as bad as it sounds? Can you get...
Pink Monopoly properties
The pink Monopoly properties are an interesting bunch. They might not be your first choice, but will serve nicely if you ever need them. Who knows? They might even win you the game. This article discusses more about the pink Monopoly properties and strategies to optimize their use. What are the Pink (Magenta) Monopoly Properties? These are the properties found on the...
Go To Jail Cards in Monopoly
The Get Out of Jail Free card in Monopoly is a card that gets you out of jail, the most horrific situation in the game. This card has gained popularity among Monopoly players. It has also crossed into general use for individuals outside the game. But what is the Get Out of Jail Free card, and what significance does it...