Board Games

Baltic Avenue
One of the most underrated properties in Monopoly is Baltic Avenue. For the longest time, I have deemed this property useless. But recent discoveries have driven me to think otherwise. If you play Monopoly’s UK edition, you’ll likely be lost in this article. But don’t worry; I’ve got you. For players who use the UK board, Whitechapel Road is the...
Do you know the satisfaction you get when you sow and harvest crops? That is the same therapeutic feeling you get each time you play Mancala board game. Little wonder why it is called the “sowing and capture game.” Mancala board game is the type of game that keeps your brain engaged productively. It is easy to play,  entertaining, and...
Monopoly Mortgage Rules
Monopoly has a lot of rules. However, if you’re in trouble, the Monopoly mortgage rules become very important. You start thinking of how to mortgage your properties and the best strategy to use. Yes, we have all been in that boat, and it can be nasty. Thankfully, we’ve got you covered. This article discusses the Monopoly mortgage rules and how...
How Does Monopoly End?
There’s only one way Monopoly ends, and that’s with a winner and a loser. However, if it was that simple, I won’t be writing a complete article on how it ends. So, there’s more to explore. This article will explore the various ways a Monopoly game can end. It also explores the various ways the game can end in other...
Monopoly Auction
Monopoly auctions are an interesting part of the game. For some, this is what they live for. However, you could mess everything up if you don’t know the rules. I’ll admit, this happened a few times with my friends and I. Thankfully, I now have full mastery of the Monopoly auction rules. Here’s the good news; I’m here to tell...
Buying houses in Monopoly
As the name implies, Monopoly is the exclusive possession or control of the trade supply in commodities or services. Players use phony money to simulate real estate and financial transactions in the Monopoly board game. The whole essence of the game is to buy properties, build houses and hotels on those properties, and collect rent from your opponents when they...
Just Visiting Jail In Monopoly
Have you ever found your token on the Jail section of the Monopoly board but don’t remember picking a Go To Jail card from either Chance or Community Chest? You also do not remember landing on the Go To Jail space on the Monopoly board. And you think to yourself, How on earth am I already in jail? Well, the...
I think I have been playing the Ludo game since I was a kid. And judging by the number of years I have lived, I can boldly say that this game has been here a really long time. Ludo is a classic fun-time family board game. It's truly a global board game. You can say it is as popular as...
Winning Monopoly in 20secs
What if I told you that winning the Monopoly game in 21 seconds is possible? I discovered this because I dread playing seemingly endless games with friends and family. Many might think that it is impossible to win this fast, but some circumstances can guarantee a certain fast victory.  We will analyze a hypothetical scenario that could lead to a 21-second...
Monopoly tax income
The Monopoly income tax rule is even more annoying than the luxury tax. I have felt this way since the day I passed GO and landed in the income tax space. Your reward? You get nothing. Want to learn more about the Monopoly income tax rule? This article has all you need. What is the Monopoly Income Tax? Monopoly income tax is...