Go To Jail Cards in Monopoly

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The Get Out of Jail Free card in Monopoly is a card that gets you out of jail, the most horrific situation in the game.

This card has gained popularity among Monopoly players. It has also crossed into general use for individuals outside the game. But what is the Get Out of Jail Free card, and what significance does it hold within the Monopoly game? 

This article answers these questions and more. In this article, you will learn much more about the Get Out of Jail Free card and what you can use it for as you plan your conquest across the Monopoly board. But first, below are some quick facts about the Get Out of Jail Free card. 

Quick Facts About Get Out of Jail Free Cards

  • There are only two Get Out of Jail Free cards in Monopoly.
  • The cards get you out of jail without having to pay a fine.
  • These are the only cards you keep till you’re ready to use.
  • These cards can be sold to other players or traded for properties.
  • You can get the Get Out of Jail Free cards from Chance and Community Chest cards.

How Does a Get Out of Jail Free Card Work In Monopoly?

Get Out of Jail Card

The Get Out of Jail Free card allows players to leave jail without exploring the other means to leave jail. Without this card, you must either roll a double or pay a $50 fine to leave jail. Unlike trying to roll a double, Get Out of Jail Free cards are instant and can be used on your next turn. 

The Get Out of Jail Free card saves you the hassle of trying to roll a double or spending your limited money in the Monopoly game. Going to jail can not be avoided. However, this card can be pretty handy. When you use this card, you simply return it to the deck from which you picked it, either the Chance or the Community Chest deck. 

Suggested read: The Difference Between Community Chest and Chance in Monopoly

Now, what does it mean to roll a double in Monopoly? If you’re new to Monopoly, the term “roll a double” could sound vague to you, and that’s understandable. In Monopoly, there are two dice, and these dice have dots numbering from one to six.

When you roll a double, it means that the rolled dice displays the same numbers. For example, when you roll the dice and get two on the first and second dice. 

What are the chances of rolling doubles when playing with two dice? There are 6 possibilities out of 36 to roll a double. Hence, the probability of rolling a double is ⅙. 

If on your third try, you are unsuccessful in your attempts to roll a double, you must pay a $50 fine to get out of jail. However, if you’re fortunate and eventually roll a double, you must immediately leave jail and move your token to the corresponding number of spaces displayed on the dice. 

When players attempt a double, successfully rolling a double doesn’t guarantee a second turn. Usually, when you roll a double on other spaces on the Monopoly board, the official Monopoly rule allows you to roll again. 

When you use a Get Out of Jail Free card, you instantly get an extra turn and save money. Personally, the Get Out of Jail Free card is a lifesaver.

When Can I Use My Monopoly Get Out of Jail Free Card?

When you land on go to jail, your turn ends while you go to jail. You must wait your next turn to use your Get Out of Jail Free card. This doesn’t mean you lose a turn. It simply means waiting for the dice to get to you again. 

Remember that when you land on the Go To Jail space, you use a turn and then sent to jail. Under normal circumstances, if you land on any other space on the board, the dice go to the next player. 

The same applies in this case, for the fact that you went to jail doesn’t mean you can instantly come out because you can afford the fine or have a Get Out of Jail Free card. You must wait for your next turn.

Besides getting you out of jail, the Get Out of Jail Free card has no real value. It doesn’t give you any advantage or edge in the game. This means that if you successfully evade going to jail, the Get Out of Jail Free card could be completely useless to you unless another player buys it from you.

Suggested read: Go to Jail- Monopoly Jail Rules Explained

Can You Buy a Get Out of Jail Free Card in Monopoly?

Yes. You can buy a Get Out of Jail Free card in Monopoly. Purchasing the card can only happen when another player owns the card and is willing to sell it. However, if the card is still within the Chance or Community Chest cards, you can not buy it from the bank. 

It’s best to make an offer to players immediately after they draw the card. Naturally, people are likely to demand more money when they know you really need something. Likewise, if you ask to buy the Get Out of Jail Free card when you’re in jail, your opponent might see the need to sell to you for a higher price. 

However, after buying the card, you might not need it, and it could be a total waste of money and negotiation skills. The wise thing to do at this point is to sell it to another player already in jail. Make sure that you’re in a comfortable place where jail fines do not significantly impact your finances. 

Also, do not pay more than $50 for a Get Out of Jail Free card. Instead of spending your time negotiating for this card, it’s best to negotiate other properties.

Can A Get Out of Jail Free Card Be Sold To Other Players?

Yes. You can sell your Get Out of Jail Free card to other players. However, the official Monopoly rules do not permit you to sell the Get Out of Jail Free card to the bank. 

If another player indicates interest in your card, you may negotiate with them and sell at an agreed price. 

If you convince the other player to buy your card for a price higher than $50, good! Ordinarily, smart players would never pay up to or more than $50 for the Get Out of Jail Free card. 

In some house rules, players sell the card to the bank for $50, which is the fine to get out of jail. However, this goes against the official Monopoly rule. 

But when done, the card goes back under the Community Chest or Chance card decks. Moreso, this house rule can be considered when a player must sell properties to the bank when bankrupt.

Is There a Real Get Out of Jail Free Card?

There is no official Get Out of Jail Free card in real life. In real life, NYPD gives out preferential treatment cards to some officers. 

The only thing similar to a real-life Get Out of Jail Free card is a pardon from the president of the United States of America. The president can grant a pardon to individuals in jail.

How Much Can You Sell a Get Out of Jail Free Card For?

You can sell the Get Out of Jail Free card for any amount you and the buyer agree on. However, most players prefer to pay the fine if it doesn’t save them a reasonable amount. Specifically, you can get a deal for around $20 – $35. 

As earlier mentioned, if you’re smart enough to convince another player to buy higher than $50, you can take the deal. If the buyer realizes the worth of his mistake later in the game, he has no right to request a refund. The deal is done and closed.

Get Out of Jail Free Card Monopoly Rules

The most famous rule of the Get Out of Jail is waiting your turn before moving your token out of jail. 

Another rule of the Get Out of Jail Free card is that it must be returned to the deck of cards immediately after you declare its usage. Get Out of Jail Free cards may not be kept after players use them.

If the player gets to pick the card again a second, third, or fifth time, he is free to use it. Only once per pick.

You should not use the Get Out of Jail card when visiting jail. 

Suggested read: What Does Just Visiting Jail Mean In Monopoly?

If you would like to know more about getting out of jail, I have compiled a complete guide on how to get out of jail in Monopoly. Here’s a Link”: How To Get Out of Jail In Monopoly

Can You Use a Get Out of Jail Free Card Immediately?

No. You can’t use the Get Out of Jail Free card immediately. When sent to jail, you use a turn. So, you must wait for your next turn to use your Get Out of Jail Free card.

How To Use Get Out of Jail Free Card

To use a Get Out of Jail Free card, simply state to other players that you’re getting out of jail using your card while you return the card to the pile from which you picked it.