Go to Jail- Jail Rules in Monopoly

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There’s nothing more hopeless and sometimes demoralizing than being told to go to jail in Monopoly. However, it’s a big part of the game and makes things interesting. Learning about the Monopoly jail rules gives you the best possible chance of navigating the game.

This article discusses the Monopoly jail rules as well as strategies that can help you utilize your time in jail.

What Happens When You Go To Jail?

When you go to jail in Monopoly, you move directly to jail. There’s no stopping, no rewards, benefits, or any intervention on your way. Your token lands in jail and stays there until you are allowed to leave.

The Go to Jail rule in Monopoly is as old as the game itself. The Go to Jail space is located at the third intersection after the GO, just before the green buildings on the classic Monopoly.

Landing on that space takes your token back to the second intersection where the prison space is. However, there are other ways you can go to jail in Monopoly, as we shall soon see.

What are the Monopoly Jail Rules?

The Monopoly Jail rules address

  • How you can end up in jail
  • How to get out of jail and
  • The various actions that are available in jail.

Let’s discuss this in closer detail.

How You Can End Up in Jail in Monopoly

There are three ways you can end up in jail. These are

Landing on the “Go to Jail” space- This is probably the most obvious reason for going to jail. If you roll the dice and you land on the jail space, you have to go to jail. As earlier stated, there’s no stopping around or getting rewards on your way.

Jail Rules in Monopoly

Cards Spoil the Party- You could also go to jail if a community or chance card instructs you to go to jail. As the picture shows, the card will usually say you have to go directly to jail. Even if you pass GO, you will not be allowed to earn your $200 salary.

Rolling Doubles- You can also go to jail if you roll doubles thrice consecutively. A rule in Monopoly is that rolling doubles allow you to play again. So, for example, if you roll snake eyes thrice, you have to go to jail.

snake eyes

It is worth remembering that when you get doubles a third time, you WILL NOT move your token to your new position. You must go directly to jail.

How to Get Out of Jail in Monopoly

You just got into jail. Now what? Here are the only ways you can leave the Monopoly Jail.

Pay a Fine

The easiest and fastest way to get out is to pay a fine of $50. This is usually done at the beginning of your next turn. So, no matter what you roll, you’re out and flying.

Before taking this option, certain things need to be considered, such as context and if you have the $50.

Roll Doubles

Another way is to roll doubles. The rule is if you can roll a double of any number, you’re out of jail. There is more uncertainty about this method. This is because it’s difficult to predict if you will get a double at all.

It’s also a risk, especially since you can’t pay the fine after rolling the dice unless it’s the 3rd time unlucky. You’ll have to wait until the next round.

Use a Get Out of Jail Free Card

Another option is to use the get out of jail card. Now, this card is usually a chance or community card. If you pick it up, you keep it until there’s a need for it. Now, having this card doesn’t automatically mean you must use it when you go to jail.

It just becomes one of your many options. It’s also another leverage to have while trading.

Sell/Mortgage Your Properties

Whether you want it or not, the rule stipulates that you cannot spend more than 3 rounds in jail. So, if you don’t have the $50 and you didn’t roll doubles, you’ll have to sell or mortgage some of your properties.

The good news is that you can always sell to the bank for a lesser value.

The Prospect of Bankruptcy

If you don’t have any properties to sell or mortgage, you will be declared bankrupt. This scenario usually only happens during the end game. Even then, it’s quite rare. Most times, $50 will be affordable.

The Various Actions That Are Available in Jail

Being in jail limits your movement until you satisfy one of the conditions above. However, you can pretty much do every other thing in the game.

A person in jail can

  • Participate in auctions
  • Collect rent
  • Trade
  • Sell Properties
  • Mortgage Properties
  • Purchase houses

Because they can’t move, certain actions, such as buying a new space, will be impossible.

When Going to Jail Can Be a Good Strategy

Going to jail might suck, but can be a blessing in disguise. There are times when it can be the strategy that wins you the game.

Going to Jail at the Beginning of the Game

This is when it’s the most frustrating. You have spaces to buy, and there’s money to be made. During this stage, going to jail can affect your momentum.

I advise that you pay the fine and get out of jail immediately. This will ensure you do not fall behind.

Going to Jail at the Middle Stage of the Game

Going to jail at this stage will largely depend on context. However, most times, paying the fine is the best policy. It is very likely you might be chasing down one more property to complete your empire.

That is not the best time to be locked up, as it can give your opponent leverage should it fall into their hands.

 Going to Jail During the End Game

This is where you might hold a huge advantage. During the end game, it’s likely that you and your opponents have built houses and hotels. This is also where other strategies, such as the Monopoly housing shortage, come into play.

Staying in jail can help you avoid paying enormous rent while leaving your opponents. I’ll advise you to stay in jail for 3 turns during this period. Of course, you can be unfortunate and play a double on your very first roll.

The point is, do not pay the $50 fine.

Go to Jail House Rules

What we have covered so far are the official game rules. Of course, people can still set up house rules regarding Monopoly jail.

I have done this with my friends while playing Monopoly. Some of the rules we came up with include

  • Leaving jail only when you roll double sixes
  • Removing the doubles option. This means everyone has to pay the fine within 3 turns or go bankrupt.
  • Banning rent while in Jail
  • Not allowing jailed players to participate in auctions or trades in jail.
  • Forcing opponents to use their get of jail card if they are in jail.

These are just a few examples. Your game, your rules. Free feel to add as much as you want.

Frequently Asked Questions About Monopoly Jail Rules

What Does the Monopoly Go to Jail Card Say?

The Go to Jail card says, “Go to jail. Move directly to jail. Do not pass “GO”. Do not collect $200”

Do You Have to Use the Get Out of Jail Free Card?

No, it is not mandatory to use it even when you are in jail. However, unofficial house rules can make this mandatory.

Can You Go to Jail in the First Round of Monopoly?

Yes, you can go to jail in the very first round of Monopoly. All you have to do is roll doubles thrice consecutively and you’re in jail.

Am I in Jail When I land in the Prison Space?

No, this does not mean you are in jail. You are just visiting. This does not carry any punishments.