Jail in Monopoly

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Going to jail in Monopoly is totally unavoidable. No matter your strategy, no matter how much experience you have playing Monopoly, you can’t avoid the “big house.”

However, does getting banged up in jail mean the game is over for you? Well, not necessarily. 

This article discusses several facts about getting out of jail, several reasons why you go to jail, and different ways to get out of jail.

Before we delve in, consider a few facts about getting out of jail in Monopoly.

Quick Facts About Getting Out of Jail In Monopoly

  • There are limited ways to get out of jail
  • You can’t instantly get out of jail
  • Going to jail is unavoidable
  • Getting out of jail can sometimes be unstrategic

How To Get Out of Jail in Monopoly

In Monopoly, there are three ways to get out of jail. None of these means of getting out of jail is instant. However, some can be more at your leisure than others.

Roll Doubles

In Monopoly, when a player in jail rolls doubles, it means the rolled dice display a double of a particular number, he must get out of jail.

For example, if you roll double six, double twos, or even snake eye, you must leave jail. 

Getting out of jail when you roll doubles is not optional. Players who roll doubles must instantly leave jail and move their token to the equivalence of the number displayed on the dice.

If a player doesn’t roll doubles, he is to stay in jail until the game forces him to explore other means to get out of jail. We shall further discuss these other means later in this article.

If you try rolling doubles to get out of jail, you do not have a lifetime of free trials. You’re limited to three tries.

If you do not roll a double on the third try, you must pay a $50 fine and get out of jail while moving your token to the number of spaces the dice displays.

snake eyes

Pay a $50 Fine

To get out of jail in Monopoly, you may decide to pay a $50 fine. This option is often preferred early in the game when players try to get as many properties as possible.

You can not pay the fine after rolling the dice and seeing that you didn’t get doubles.

Players who intend to get out of jail using this option must pay before rolling the dice.

You can pay the fine immediately after getting into jail or before rolling the dice during your turn.

When a player pays a $50 fine and rolls doubles, he doesn’t get the money back from the bank. It is gone.

Note that the $50 payment is to be made to the bank and not to any player or all players.

If it’s your third attempt at a double, then you can roll before paying. If you fail to roll doubles on the third attempt, you must pay the $50 fine and move your token to the number of spaces shown on the dice.

However, you may set house rules regarding this, which is entirely your choice and that of your folks.

Furthermore, remember that each player in jail who attempts doubles has only three chances. On the third, they must pay the fine.

How much money comes in a monopoly game

Use a Get Out of Jail Free Card

Using a Get Out of Jail Free Card is one of the three ways to get out of jail. However, one might wonder where they can find this card. 

Players can find the Get Out of Jail Free Card in the Chance and Community Chest decks. When players draw these cards, they either reward or punish them.

To fully understand how these separate cards function within the Monopoly game, read these articles: Monopoly Chance Cards – Reward or Disaster? 

Go To Jail Cards in Monopoly
Get Out of Jail Free Cards in Monopoly

Suggested read: Monopoly Community Chest Cards – Reward or Disaster?

When a player goes to jail, the dice move to another player. On their next turn, they can use the Get Out of Jail Free Card to re-enter. 

If you decide to use this card, ensure to put it back under the pile where you got it from, either the Community Chest deck or the Chance deck.

Suggested read: The Difference Between Community Chest and Chance in Monopoly

You may get one of these cards when you land on the Chance or Community Chest spaces on the Monopoly board.

If you’re not so fortunate to get this card, you may negotiate with another player who owns the card. 

Buying the card from another player could save you a few bucks from paying the fine.

But, whatever you do, never pay more than $45 for a Get Out of Jail Free card because then you’re just giving another player more money. Instead, pay the fine to the bank. 

Remember that if a move doesn’t serve your purpose, then maybe it’s a shitty move. LOL!

How Many Get Out of Jail Free Cards Are In Monopoly?

In Monopoly, there are only two Get Out of Jail Free Cards. You may use these cards when you find yourself in jail.

If you pick one or two of these cards, you are to keep them with you until you’re ready to use them. Notably, in Monopoly, this is the only card players can keep till they need to use it.

After using the Get Out of Jail Free Card, you must return it to the card pile where you picked it from.

Suggested read: Go to Jail- Monopoly Jail Rules Explained

Monopoly Get Out of Jail Rules

The rules for getting out of jail in Monopoly are quite simple:

  • You can pay a $50 fine and leave jail
  • You can use a Get Out of Jail Free Card
  • Players must pay a fine on their third roll while in jail
  • You can stay in jail for up to three turns
  • You must leave jail immediately after you roll doubles

When Can You Get Out of Jail In Monopoly?

In Monopoly, you can get out of jail on your next three turns. When you get sent to jail, another player takes the dice and rolls. You’re stuck in the “big house” until the dice get to you again.

During your turn, you can pay a fine, use a Get Out of Jail Free Card, roll a double, or remain in jail.

However, If you decide to stay in jail, you must roll the dice, and if you get doubles, off you go!

How Much Does It Cost To Get Out of Jail In Monopoly?

If you decide to pay the fine, it costs only $50 to get out of jail in Monopoly. However, there are other methods of getting out of jail if you’d like to explore. You can roll a double or use a Get Out of Jail Free Card.

Some who play house rules decide that the fine for jail should be increased to $200 to increase the punishment for getting into jail. 

The house rule could spice up the game, forcing players to at least try to get doubles before paying the fine.

While they try to get a double, other players move on in the game, acquiring more properties. 

I recommend this house rule because I’ve played with it many times.

How Long Does a Player Stay in Jail in Monopoly?

If a player decides to stay in jail, he can do so for only his next three turns. On his third turn, he must use one of the means of getting out of jail. 

However, if a player intends to leave jail, he can do so on his next turn after going to jail, but he must pay a fine, roll doubles, or use a Get Out of Jail Free Card. Getting out of jail in Monopoly is never truly free. 

Is It Strategic To Stay In Jail In Monopoly?

Yes! Staying in jail can be strategic at some point in the game. At some point in the game, while playing with my friends, we begged for jail as soon as there were a lot of houses on the board.

No one wants to be hit by the outrageous property rents. 

Sometimes, you can stay in jail to make sure you collect enough money from other players to ensure you have enough money if you eventually land on someone else’s property.

Staying in jail sometimes can be for the best. It can save you the hassle of spending unnecessarily on property rents.

As much as staying in jail is advantageous, it could also have severe disadvantages if not properly utilized.

For example, if you just started the game and remain in jail, it’s totally inexplicable. 

This is because while you’re chilling in the big house, other players are buying properties to their advantage.

You discover you don’t have enough properties to trade with other players when it’s time. And that puts you in a terrible spot.

So, jail can either make or mar your plans of conquest.

How Do You Go To Jail In Monopoly?

There are three ways you get sent to jail.

  • You land on the Go To Jail Space.
  • You pick a Chance or Community Chest card instructing you to Go To Jail.
  • You roll doubles three times.

Can You Collect Rent While in Jail?

Absolutely. You can collect rent while in jail. Being in jail doesn’t mean you don’t own property anymore.

If a player lands on your property, they must pay you rent. The only time you must not collect rent on a property in Monopoly is if it’s mortgaged. If not, collect your rent.

Can You Upgrade Properties While in Jail?

Upgrading properties in Monopoly is one of my favorite things to do. Upgrading means more money from anyone who unluckily lands on my property.

Even while in jail, the standard Monopoly rules allow you to upgrade your properties.

However, you must follow the guidelines for buying properties in Monopoly.

Suggested read: Buying Houses in Monopoly – All Rules You Must Know

Can You Sell Properties While In Jail?

If you need money, you can sell your houses while in jail and mortgage your properties to the bank.

No official rule hinders you from doing whatever you like with your property simply because you’re in jail.

However, when considering selling houses while in jail, read the guidelines to help you stay within bounds.

Suggested read: Selling Houses in Monopoly – Rules You Should  Know


You shouldn’t have a problem if you stick to the few ways of getting out of jail. However, nothing stops you from selling or buying houses while in jail.

If a player lands on your property, collect your rent even while you’re in jail.

Sometimes, staying in the big house can serve you. At other times, it could ruin your strategy. Knowing when to sacrifice that $50 and when it really isn’t worth it can go a long way to help your gameplay.

If you have other questions this article doesn’t cover, please find the answers in this comprehensive guide: Go to Jail- Monopoly Jail Rules Explained.

Frequently Asked Questions About Going To Jail in Monopoly

What Happens When You Roll Doubles in Monopoly?

When you roll doubles in Monopoly, several things could happen depending on where you are on the board.

If you’re in jail, you instantly get out of jail and move your token to the corresponding number on the dice. 

On the other hand, if you’re in any other space, you get to move your token and roll again. If you get doubles a third time, you instantly go to jail for overspeeding.

Can You Stay In Jail In Monopoly?

Yes, you can stay in jail, but not forever. You can only stay in jail for three turns; on your third roll, you must pay the fine if you don’t roll doubles.

Monopoly Rules For Jail

  • You can pay a $50 fine and leave jail
  • You can use a Get Out of Jail Free Card
  • Players must pay a fine on their third roll while in jail
  • You can stay in jail for up to three turns
  • You must leave jail immediately after you roll doubles

How many times Can You Use the Get Out of Jail Free Card?

You can use the Get Out of Jail Free Card once, after which you must return it to the deck of cards.

However, if you fortunately get to pick up the card again, you can use it once more. For each time you pick the card, you use it once and then return it.

How Much To Get Out of Jail In Monopoly?

It costs $50 to get out of jail in Monopoly. However, you can set your own house rules with increased fines for going to jail.