Community Chest Cards
Community Chest Cards

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The community chest cards are usually one of the scariest parts of Monopoly for me. My fear usually lies in the unknown results of the turned-over cards. However, these loved and dreaded cards generally add spice to the game.

In the game of Monopoly, the aim is to acquire as many properties as possible, build an empire, and evade bankruptcy. All these while you consistently push your opponents toward bankruptcy.

The Community Chest cards can either make or mar your plans.

Keep reading to find some significant details you need to know about the Community Chest cards, their uses, differences, eventual repercussions, and likely advantages.

What are Community Chest Cards in Monopoly?

Community Chest cards are a pile of cards a player must draw from whenever he lands on its space. These cards are usually on a designated corner within the Monopoly Board. Some believe the Community Chest cards to be the opposite of Chance Cards, but that is entirely wrong. However, Community Chest cards are more likely to reward players, unlike Chance cards which are pure luck. 

Although Community Chest cards can reward players, notably, they can also punish them. 

A lot of players are thrilled by the fact that the Community Chest idea originated from the original community chest in Atlantic City.

According to the Press of Atlantic City in the U.S., these community chests were funded by a community for charitable giving. After the funds were pooled, they would be given to the less privileged and needy. 

Although the term ‘community chest’ saw a replacement by United Way in the early 1960s, some locations in the US still use the community chest term. I am sure you now have a background understanding of the well-known Community Chest in Monopoly.

You can read about Monopoly Chance Cards here: Monopoly Chance cards – Reward or Disaster?

Just like in Atlantic City in the US, Monopoly Community Chest Cards mostly reward players. However, this doesn’t guarantee that players will always receive rewards from Community Chest.

Community Chest Cards are 12 in number. Gladly, only 33.34% of the cards punish players. Of the 12 cards in Community Chest, only 4 have cash fines. 

Meanwhile, 6 out of the 12 Community Chest Cards reward players with different amounts of money from the bank. On the updated 2021 Community Chest cards, players can receive as much as 200 pounds from the bank for getting certain Community Chest Cards.

Furthermore, you should know about two other cards from those mentioned earlier: The Advance To Go Community Chest Card and the Go To Jail Card. 

It is terrible for you if you run out of luck and pick the Go To Jail card. Whether you’re close to GO or not, wherever you are on the board, this card sends you straight to jail. For most players, the most demoralizing fact about this card is that you don’t get a salary. 

All your hard work moving across the board goes to waste any time this card hits you. 

The second card you should know in the pile is the Advance To Go Community Chest Card. The Advance To Go card is one of my favorites; it means more salary with less work.

One of its advantages is that you can quickly get more money if you’ve run out of cash mid-way into the board. 

However, Some prefer to avoid getting this card on the Community Chest space between Go To Jail and GO. At this point, you’re almost at GO, so what’s the point? They may reason. 

Well, think about this scenario. You’re on the last yellow properties before the Go To Jail space. Your opponents have hotels on every property until GO. The only way you get to escape that is if you roll double six or eleven. Is that a risk you are willing to take? 

I’d instead land on Community Chest than any other space at that point. 

How Many Community Chest Cards are in Monopoly?

There are 12 Community Chest Cards. 6 cards give you cash rewards, 4 fine you, 1 sends you to jail, and the last 1 advances you to go.

Frequently Asked Questions About Community Chest

What is Community Chest in Monopoly?

Community Chest is a pile of Monopoly cards designed to reward or punish a player. Primarily, they reward players. Instructions can be to fine players, send them to jail, advance to go, or cash reward.

Does Community Chest  Have Go To Jail Card?

Yes. Community Chest Cards in Monopoly have a Go To Jail card. You go to jail with no salary, straight to jail. Players have to wait their turn to decide what to do next. They can either pay the fine and come out, roll doubles, or use a Get Out of Jail Free Card. 

They can decide to stay in jail for as long as three turns. After the third turn, they’re to use any of the fore mentioned means to exit.