Orange Monopoly properties

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When I play Monopoly, I always enjoy starting the game. Do you know why? It gives me the best opportunity to buy at least one of the orange Monopoly properties. They are truly my favorite color set. Without them, I’m not nearly as confident.

So, I have decided to tell you why. This article discusses the orange Monopoly properties and how to get the best out of them.

What are the Orange Monopoly Properties?

The Monopoly orange properties are the properties found at the end of the second intersection on the Monopoly Board. They sit just before the yellow properties and after the pink properties. They are usually 3 in number.

The names of the properties differ depending on the Monopoly edition you’re playing. Buying the orange properties is fairly affordable.

Orange Monopoly Properties in the UK, US, and Canada Editions

There are so many Monopoly editions. So, we’re sticking with just three popular editions right now. Here’s a table showing the orange properties in the various countries.

St. James AvenueBow StreetKawartha Lakes
Tennessee AvenueMarlborough StreetChilliwack
New York AvenueVine StreetMontreal

As you can see, the names are different in these three editions. To simplify things, we’ll be using the names in the UK edition throughout this article.

Here are the prices of each property space.

Monopoly SpaceProperty Price
Bow Street$180
Marlborough Street$180
Vine Street$200

One of the common themes in Monopoly is that the 3rd property is usually higher than the rest. This is also true in this case. This might be down to the higher rent in the 3rd property.

Rent Prices of the Orange Monopoly Properties

The rent prices will differ depending on how many spaces you own in the color set or how many houses you own.

Here’s a table showing rent prices if you own one or two properties in the color set.

Monopoly SpaceRent Prices
Bow Street$14
Marlborough Street$14
Vine Street$16

The rent prices pretty much doubled when you owned all the properties in the color set. These are the rent prices if you own all three but without any houses or hotels.

Monopoly SpaceRent Prices if You Own All Properties
Bow Street$28
Marlborough Street$28
Vine Street$32

Houses completely change the dynamics. Here are the rent prices once you start building houses.

ImprovementsBow StreetMarlborough StreetVine Street
1 House$70$70$80
2 Houses$200$200$220
3 Houses$550$550$600
4 Houses$750$750$800

Like most third properties, you get a nice bump of $50 from the 3rd batch of houses. This means that you actually get your ROI from the extra cost of buying the third space.

Mortgage Value of the Orange Monopoly Properties

The monopoly mortgage value refers to the amount received when a property space is mortgaged. Remember that spaces with houses cannot be mortgaged. In other words, the houses will need to be sold first before they can be mortgaged.

As you can see from the table, the mortgage value is usually half of the purchase price.

Monopoly SpaceMortgage Value
Bow Street$90
Marlborough Street$90
Vine Street$100

The implication here is that the amount gotten is low. So, it does not give the same security as the red or yellow properties.

Chances of Landing in the Orange Monopoly Properties

There’s no use buying all the spaces if no one is going to land on them. So, do people actually land on the orange Monopoly properties?

The table affirms that notion.

Monopoly SpaceOdds of Landing in the Space
Bow Street2.7%
Marlborough Street2.93%
Vine Street3.1%

Vine street has the highest probability of all the property spaces and Marlborough street is not far behind. In other words, you’re guaranteed rent should you purchase these properties.

Cost of Building Houses in the Orange Monopoly Properties

A big aspect of any Monopoly property is the building costs. This can make or break your game strategy. Here are the building costs for the orange color set.

Monopoly SpaceCost of Building
Bow Street$100
Marlborough Street$100
Vine Street$100

The cost of building houses is the same throughout. It’s cheap at $100 because you only need $1200 to build 4 houses and $1500 to build hotels. Contrast this with the yellow properties which cost upwards of $2200 to build.

The most appealing part is the ROI remains top notch.

Return on Investment with Orange Monopoly Properties

It all comes down to the return on investment in Monopoly. So, what do you get if you choose to invest in the orange properties? Here are some intriguing statistics.

Monopoly SpaceROI Without HousesROI Owning All Orange PropertiesROI with Houses and Hotels
Bow Street7.8%15.6%38.9%-527%
Marlborough Street7.8%15.6%38.9%-527%
Vine Street8%16%40%-500%

These are one of the best statistics on the Monopoly board. It beats both the yellow and the red properties. It also shows that getting the most valuable property on the Monopoly board is not always the best idea.

In my opinion, the orange properties are the best value for money in the game.

Best Strategy To Use if You Buy the Orange Color Set

The possibilities are endless with the orange properties. However, here are two best strategies for buying the orange color set.

Early in the Game/First Property

Buying the orange properties first is my recommended step. They are simply perfect for many reasons. First, they are affordable. You can buy and develop all the properties with around $2000.

This is achievable at the beginning when you have enough liquidity. If you cannot get all the properties, ensuring you get at least two of them is a great way to guarantee your success in the middle phase.

Secondly, the orange properties can serve as a good foundation for future success. This is especially important if you also have the yellow or green properties in your arsenal.

Middle Phase Development

This strategy only comes in when you cannot get all three properties in the opening stage. You have to close out deals and secure the properties. Things might move slowly here because of low funds and low rent prices.

However, getting it done will help you speed up your growth in other property spaces.

Additional Tip- Loses Value if Developed in End Game

It’s never a good idea to grow the orange properties in the end game. This is when the dark blue and green properties are at optimal level. The fact that the orange properties are not yet developed at this stage means your opponents have the funds to build the more expensive properties.

At this point, you need nothing short of a miracle to win.

The Right Blend When You Invest in Orange Monopoly Properties

Pink Properties

The pink properties are on the same row as the orange properties. They are more affordable and are the perfect compliments for the orange property. If both properties are gotten early, you can torture your opponents towards submission.

However, if you can only secure them during the end game, you might not have enough to win.

Red Properties

The red properties are the perfect combo with the orange properties if you manage your funds properly. It can finish off opponents at any point and have some of the highest odds on the board.

However, you might not have a lot of leverages left once you get these two sets. Plus, you need some luck to get enough funds to power through construction costs.

Yellow Properties

Yellow properties are not the ideal combo for orange properties. However, it works if the orange properties serve as the foundation to build the yellow properties.

Ofcourse, depending on the context, getting the yellow properties first can help you build the orange properties too.

However, the entire process is just more nail-biting.

Light Blue Properties

The light blue properties are on the first row on the board. It has all the perks of the pink properties. However, its overall value is low. Plus, it’s just a foundation set for more expensive ones.

It’s not the best option out there and likely won’t win you the game.

Dark Green Properties

This has the same perks as the yellow properties. However, what makes it worse is the distance. With greater distance, lesser the odds of your opponents landing in your space.

The cost is also a bit higher. If you can avoid this combo, please do.

Orange Monopoly Properties in Other Monopoly Editions

The orange Monopoly properties come in different shades depending on the Monopoly edition. I have compiled some editions and how these properties appear.

Monopoly EditionsMonopoly Orange Properties
Monopoly Here and Now- World EditionRome-$1.8 Million
Shanghai-$1.8 Million
Vancouver-$2 Million
Monopoly Mega EditionSt. James Place- $180
Tennessee Avenue- $180 New York Avenue-$200
New Jersey Avenue-$200
Monopoly Little Pony EditionCutie Mark Clubhouse- 180 Bits
Day Spa- 180 Bits
School House- 200 Bits
Monopoly Doctor Who EditionDoctor Who and the Silurians-$180
Warriors of the Deep-$180
A Good Man Goes to War- $200
Monopoly Space EditionTriston Moon
Galle Ring
Great Dark Spot
Monopoly for MillennialsTarot Shop-$25
Artisanal Coffee Bar-$25
Monopoly Millionaire EditionAdventure Park-$55,000
Themepark City- $55,000
Movie District- $60,000
Monopoly City EditionShine Village- $1.8 Million
East Bank-$1.8 Million
Treetop Park-$2 Million
Monopoly Here and NowSouth Beach, Miami- $1.8 Million
Johnson Space Center- $1.8 Million
Pioneer Square Seattle- $2 Million
Monopoly SocialismOur Town Theatre- $200
Museum of Co-Creation- $200

Frequently Asked Questions About Orange Monopoly Properties

Are Orange Properties Good in Monopoly?

Yes, the orange properties are one of the more affordable and present the best ROI in Monopoly.

What is Orange in Monopoly?

This refers to the orange color sets of properties in the second row on the Monopoly board.

What is the Most Valuable Color in Monopoly?

The most valuable color set is the dark blue color which consists of Park Place and BoardWalk.