Monopoly Red Properties

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The red Monopoly properties, along with the orange properties, are my number one target in any Monopoly game. They just offer so much strategic value. Here’s the good news. I’m here to tell you everything about it.

This article discusses the red Monopoly properties and the best strategies to deal with them.

What are the Red Monopoly Properties?

The red properties are just after the second intersection on the Monopoly board. They sit just before the yellow properties. There are usually 3 red properties. The names of the properties differ depending on the edition you’re playing.

The price of getting the initial property space is fairly expensive. So, it’s worth taking a closer look before buying.

Red Monopoly Properties and Prices in the US, UK, and Canada Editions

There are so many versions of Monopoly. So, we’re going to stick to the 3 most popular classic editions. These are the US, UK, and Canada editions.

Kentucky AvenueThe StrandMedicine Hat, Alberta
Indiana AvenueFleet StreetGatineau, Quebec
Illinois AvenueTrafalgar SquareShawinigan, Quebec

As you can see, the names are different in all three editions. To avoid confusion, we’ll use the UK names throughout this article.

Here’s a table that shows the prices for each property space.

Monopoly SpacesProperty Prices
The Strand$220
Fleet Street$220
Trafalgar Square$240

As you can see, the 3rd space is slightly higher than the other two spaces. However, the probability of landing in Trafalgar Square is a bit higher.

I personally think the 3rd space is higher simply because the rent is higher in that space.

Rent Prices of the Red Monopoly Properties

The rent prices will differ depending on how many spaces you own in the color set or how many houses you own.

Here’s a table showing rent prices if you own one or two properties in the color set.

Monopoly SpacesRent Prices
The Strand$18
Fleet Street$18
Trafalgar Square$20

The rent prices pretty much doubled when you owned all the properties in the color set. These are the rent prices if you own all three but without any houses or hotels.

Monopoly SpacesRent Prices if You Own All Properties
The Strand$36
Fleet Street$36
Trafalgar Square$40

Once you build houses on the properties, you’ve hit the big-time league.

ImprovementsThe StrandFleet StreetTrafalgar Square
1 House$90$90$100
2 Houses$250$250$300
3 Houses$700$700$750
4 Houses$875$875$925

As you can see, the slight increase in value also results in a $50 increase in rent from 2 houses. This is a great return on investment and adds to the uniqueness of this property.

Mortgage Value of the Red Monopoly Properties

Considering the mortgage value is vital. It will come in handy when you’re close to bankruptcy. That can happen no matter how good you are in the game. The first thing to note is that the red properties have a fairly high mortgage value.

The prices of the spaces largely dictate the mortgage value. Having said that, here’s a table that outlines each property’s mortgage value.

Monopoly SpacesMortgage Value
The Strand$110
Fleet Street$110
Trafalgar Square$120

As you can see, the mortgage value is half of the initial cost of buying the property.

Chances of Landing in the Red Monopoly Properties

There’s no use buying all the spaces if no one is going to land on them. So, I have compiled the odds of landing in each of the red Monopoly properties.

The odds are looking good indeed.

Monopoly SpacesOdds
The Strand2.61%
Fleet Street2.56%
Trafalgar Square3%

The odds are on the higher side when compared to other color sets, like the yellow properties. It’s also noteworthy that Trafalgar Square has the highest odds of landing. This further makes the $20 rise on the property more enticing.

Cost of Building Houses in the Red Monopoly Properties

Now, the next step is to build your house. That costs money and has to be considered when buying color sets. Here are the costs of building houses on the red Monopoly properties.

Monopoly SpacesCost of Building
The Strand$150
Fleet Street$150
Trafalgar Square$150

The cost of building houses is the same throughout. It’s also the same with the yellow properties. So, on paper, the red properties seem less attractive to the yellow color set.

Return on Investment with Red Monopoly Properties

It all comes down to the return on investment in Monopoly. So, what do you get if you choose to invest in the red properties? Here are some intriguing statistics.

Monopoly SpacesROI Without HousesROI Owning all Properties in the color setROI with Houses and Hotel
The Strand8.2%16.4%41%-477%
Fleet Street8.2%16.4%41%- 477%
Trafalgar Square8.3%16.6%41.6%-458.3%

This is where things get interesting. Once you get this color set up to build houses or hotels, they represent one of the highest returns on investment on the board. This is even higher than the yellow properties on the block, which has a maximum ROI of 442%.

You also have to consider the building costs, which stand at $2250. This is the same with the yellow properties. So, it’s easily the best color set on the third row of properties on the Monopoly board.

Best Strategy To Use if You Buy the Red Monopoly Properties

So, you want to buy the red properties. What’s the plan? I have three strategies I use with the red properties depending on the phase of the game.

Early Game- Buy and Invest Early

One of the best ways to deal with the red properties is to come flying out of the blocks. This is usually possible when you somehow manage to get all three properties within the first 3-4 rounds or you exchange cards really early with your opponent.

If you do, it’s imperative you invest while you have the funds. Building a house in each space will cost you $450 (minus space costs). However, landing on any will get you at least 40% ROI. I recommend you build one house each and then build it up slowly.

This means you get to spend about $1000 in total, which should give you some cash to fund other properties. The downside is that you might not be able to as active as you’d like in auctions.

Middle Phase- Buy and Invest Slowly

This is my least recommended strategy. However, it’s worth it because of the odds and the ROI. You can buy and invest during the middle phase. However, it all depends on context. If there are a lot of properties rising up, you’re better off buying orange properties.

However, if everyone is still struggling with deals and countertrades, you can go for the jugular. This might yield profits. So, take your chances.

End Game- Use Other Properties As Investment

This is my favorite strategy for this color set. Slowly get all the spaces. This might take you all game. Focus on the smaller properties in the 2nd row on the board. Then, use the rent you accrue to develop this color set if there’s time.

However, this is assuming you have properties in the first two blocks. If you don’t, you have to develop the red properties as that’s your best chance of getting profits.

The Right Blend When You Invest in Red Monopoly Properties

One of the reasons I love the red properties is that it allows you to blend almost all the properties on the board. I have arranged them in order of perfect fit to worst fit. However, all combos can work. Some just work better than others.

Orange Properties

This is by far my number 1 recommendation. The orange and red properties are both at the intersection. Most times, your opponents will land on one of these spaces.

So, if you can get both properties, you’ve scored a huge advantage. Both sets of properties have great odds, and you’re set for success.

Pink Properties

The next great property combo is the pink properties at the first intersection. This is less ideal, and your opponents can easily skip over. However, intersections usually have great odds.

Plus, the pink properties are really easy to set up. That’s a huge bonus.

Light Blue Properties

This is further down the line and even less ideal. The only reason why it’s on this list is because it’s so cheap and annoying to your opponents. However, there’s no real trap, as the opponents can really jump through both sets of properties.

Yellow Properties

The yellow and red properties are an amazing combo. If you manage to get both built, you are guaranteed to win the game.

However, it’s just too costly and leads to bankruptcy. So, it’s definitely not my first choice.

Dark Green Properties

This is the least ideal for me. In this scenario, you’ll need to use the red properties to raise funds for the dark green properties. It’s just too costly and will leave you behind. Avoid this combo if you can.

Red Monopoly Properties in Monopoly Editions

Red Properties in Monopoly

The red Monopoly properties come in different shades depending on the Monopoly edition. I have compiled some editions and how these properties appear.

Monopoly EditionsMonopoly Red Properties
Monopoly Here and Now- World EditionSydney- $2.2 Million
New York- $2.2 Million
London- $2.4 Million
Monopoly Mega EditionKentucky Avenue- $220
Indiana Avenue- $220
Illinois Avenue- $240
Michigan Avenue- $240
Monopoly Little Pony EditionTown Square- 220 Bits
Fluttershy’s Cottage- 220 Bits
Sweet Apples Acres- 240 Bits
Monopoly Doctor Who EditionThe Claws of Axos- $220
Survival- $220
The End of Time Part 1- $240
Monopoly Space EditionRocky Mantle
Lava Plain
Impact Crater
Monopoly for MillennialsKaraoke Club- $30
Yoga Studio- $30
Monopoly Millionnaire EditionStyle Square- $80,000
Party Plaza- $80,000
Showtime Boulevard- $80,000
Monopoly City EditionSeaview- 2.2 Million
The Wharf- 2.2 Million
Middleton- 2.4 Million
Monopoly Here and NowCamelback MTN- $2.2 Million
Waikiki Beach- $2.2 Million
Disney World, Orlando- $2.4 Million
Monopoly SocialismSpeedy Li’l Socialist Post Office- $250
Open Minds Library- $250
Red Properties in Monopoly

Frequently Asked Questions About Red Monopoly Properties

Are Reds Good in Monopoly?

Red Monopoly properties are one of the best properties to get in Monopoly. They have great odds of landing and have a good return on investment.

What are the Property Colors in Monopoly?

The property colors are brown, light blue, pink, orange, red, yellow, dark green, and dark blue.

What is Statistically the Most Landed Property in Monopoly?

That award goes to Illinois or Trafalgar Square. This is in the red property color set.