Rolling Snake Eyes
Rolling Snake Eyes

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In almost all board games, rolling snake eyes is not seen as an achievement. Anguish and disappointment usually follow. Is this feeling different when playing Monopoly? Is there any form of reward when you roll snake eyes in Monopoly?

This article will discuss this in closer detail.

What is Snake Eyes in Monopoly?

Snake eyes in Monopoly simply means rolling double ones on the dice. In other words, in a normal scenario, it means moving two spaces forward on the monopoly board.

As earlier stated, snake eyes are not only common to Monopoly. It’s pretty much present in any board game that uses double dice. However, it does have certain implications in the game of Monopoly.

What Happens When You Roll Snake Eyes in Monopoly?

In the general gameplay, it is business as usual. A party who rolls snake eyes will have to move their token two spaces forward. There are also no real implications in the Monopoly official rules, as far as I can see.  

However, your position on the monopoly board can make rolling snake eyes more meaningful or disastrous.

Here are some examples.

1.   Rolling Snake Eyes Once

Rolling snake eyes once in Monopoly means you move two spaces forward, as earlier stated. However, it also means you get to play again. This also applies to playing any other double figures, such as double sixes.

2.   Rolling Snake Eyes Thrice in a Row

Rolling snake eyes thrice consecutively can land you in hot water. Remember that you get to play again if you roll a double. However, when you roll doubles thrice, you get sent to jail.

This also applies to snake eyes. It’s one thing to go to jail for rolling double sixes and another thing entirely for rolling snake eyes. It’s a double dose of frustration.

3.   Get Out of Jail Cheat Code

So, while rolling snake eyes thrice can land you in jail, it can also save you from jail. One of the ways of escaping jail without paying a fine is rolling a double. Now, snake eyes just happen to be a double.

So, with one roll, you can be out and off planning your next conquest.

4.   Community Chest To Tax Income

Community Chest to Income Tax- Rolling Snake Eyes

There are other situations where rolling snake eyes can also be disastrous. One of them is when you find yourself around the first property after GO. Rolling snake eyes will see you land on the tax income space. That has disastrous implications; you lose 200 pounds (your entire salary!)

5.   Chance To Super Tax

Chance to Super Tax

This happens when you are in the most luxurious part of the monopoly board. Sandwiched between both properties is the luxury or super tax.

Two spaces behind it is the “chance” space.  You will land on super tax if you roll snake eyes.

6.   Community Chest to Free Parking

This happens in the intersection between the second and third line of properties on the monopoly board. If you roll snake eyes from community chest, you’re bound to land in free parking.

This can hold good or nothing news for you, depending on the house rules.

Speaking about house rules…

Rolling Snake Eyes With House Rules

House rules are made-up rules that differ from the official rules of monopoly. These rules are either made up by the players or set up by the computer if the game is played online.

So, we’re really in uncharted territory here. However, here are some house rules that my friends and I came up with when we play Monopoly.

  • Roll snake eyes twice consecutively and get $200.
  • Roll snake eyes and avoid paying rent in the space you land next.

There are other versions of Monopoly that might also offer incentives for rolling snake eyes. For example, you can get $1000 on monopoly plus if you roll double ones.

House rules are all fun and can be exciting if you usually play with a group. Placing incentives on rolling snake eyes is one great way to spice things up. However, don’t expect Monopoly to change its rules any time soon.


So, here’s the bottom line. Snake eyes are not recognized as having special privileges in the official rules of Monopoly. However, several circumstances can make it disastrous or a game-changer.

Moreover, you can always set house rules relating to rolling snake eyes to keep things exciting. As long you’re having fun, we’re happy!

Frequently Asked Questions About Rolling Snake Eyes in Monopoly

Is Snake Eyes Bad in Monopoly?

Snake eyes can be good or bad, depending on your exact situation. For example, it can be great if you land on free parking but bad if you land on super tax.

What are the Odds of Getting Snake Eyes in Monopoly?

The odds of getting snake eyes in Monopoly is 1 out of 36. In other words, it’s 0.277 percent. Putting this into context, it’ll be foolhardy to include getting snake eyes in your Monopoly strategy.

Regardless of the incentives placed on it, it’s simply luck.

Why is Double One Called Snake Eyes?

Double ones are called snake eyes because of their appearance. The two single dots resemble the eyes of common snakes around. Hence, the name fits perfectly.