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Tag: Community Chest

Jail in Monopoly

How To Get Out of Jail In Monopoly

Going to jail in Monopoly is totally unavoidable. No matter your strategy, no matter how much experience you have playing Monopoly, you can’t avoid the “big house.” However, does getting banged...
Monopoly Money

How Much Money Comes In A Monopoly Game?

One of my favorite things about Monopoly is the feeling I get when I’m with all the beautiful banknotes in the game. It makes me feel like the real Mr. Money....
UK Monopoly

UK Monopoly List of Properties – With Prices

Ever come across a Monopoly board with locations in London, England? If yes, you have come in contact with the UK Monopoly Board. If you ever need to play on this...
Picture of Monopoly DIce

How Many Dice Do You Use In Monopoly?

Can you imagine what playing Monopoly without dice would be like? It would be impossible. I enjoy the dynamics of moving from one property to another, but I don’t see that...
Community and chance cards

The Difference Between Community Chest and Chance in Monopoly

Monopoly is one game that excites me a lot. My excitement lies in the possibilities within the game. No matter how good or bad you start, there's no guarantee that you...
Community Chest Cards

Monopoly Community Chest Cards – Reward or Disaster?

The community chest cards are usually one of the scariest parts of Monopoly for me. My fear usually lies in the unknown results of the turned-over cards. However, these loved and...