Community and chance cards

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Monopoly is one game that excites me a lot. My excitement lies in the possibilities within the game. No matter how good or bad you start, there’s no guarantee that you will win or lose the game.

Time and again, I have seen the most unlucky player win the game, and the swift lose it. There’s just no telling. You have developed your winning strategy if you’ve played Monopoly for years. However, some factors can impact whatever plans you have made.

Somewhere within the center of the board lies two piles of cards. One is stamped Chance, and the other is Community Chest

Some players deem these two cards opposites, but that is entirely wrong. Chance cards, as the name implies, are totally based on luck. Whereas Community Chest cards are likely to reward players. So heads-up, if you’re going to dread anyone, it should be Chance.

Although Community Chance cards have a higher probability of rewarding players, it’s wise to note that both have good and bad cards.

As you keep reading, you will understand what these cards mean, their origin, and how they can impact your game. 

What are Chance and Community Chest Cards in Monopoly?

Chance and Community Chest cards are a pile of cards in Monopoly that a player must draw when found on their corresponding space on the board.

These cards have three functions: punishing, rewarding, or moving a player. MY ADRENALINE LEVEL INCREASES SLIGHTLY whenever I land on Chance or Community Chest. Most players are nervous when picking any of these cards because they can impact your game and strategy negatively or positively.

You might wonder how Monopoly came about the names for these cards. Well, for Chance cards, it is pretty much straightforward. They are Chance because they are chance based. 

Notably, over half of these 16 cards instruct players to move to another property, utility, or railroad. This can be both good and bad news. If the instructions are to move to a property by another player, you must pay rent.

Unfortunately, if the player has a hotel, well, super unlucky for you. 

However, this can also be good news when the property is empty. When I play with my friends, sometimes there’s just one property everyone wants to get, maybe the most expensive one on the board. You can be sent directly to your desired property only if you are lucky. 

Suggested read: Monopoly Chance Cards – Reward or Disaster?

 On the other hand, Community Chest cards originate from Atlantic City. In the early 90s, Atlantic City had what they called a community chest. People in the community fund the chest, and the funds were given to the less privileged.

Although the name has been changed to United Way since the 1960s, the basic principle still remains the same. And there, my friend, is how Community Chest came about.

Like the real-life community chest, the cards in Monopoly primarily reward players.

You can learn more about Community Chest Cards here: Monopoly Community Chest Cards – Reward or Disaster?

The Difference Between The Chance and Community Chest Cards

The difference between Chance cards and Community Chest cards is simple. Chance cards, as previously mentioned, are based on luck. Whereas Community Chest cards are more likely to reward players. 

Chance cards are likely to punish or move a player to another property which can be good or bad depending on whether the space is empty.

To better understand how these cards can impact your game and strategy, let’s get into more details. 

Chance Cards

Number of CardsInstructionsProbability Percentage
1Advance to Go6%
1Go to Jail6%
1Get Out of Jail Free6%
2Collect Cash13%
1Move Back Three Spaces6%
7Advance to Property, Utility, or Railroad44%
3Pay Fine to Bank or Players19%

Community Chest

Number of CardsInstructionsProbability Percentage
1Go to Jail6%
1Get Out of Jail Free6%
1Advance to Go6%
9Cash Reward56%
4Pay Fine to Bank or Players26%

If you ever land on Chance or Community Chest, most of the cards you pick from the pile require immediate action.

Players are expected to return the cards to the bottom of the deck. Of all the cards, only the Get Out of Jail card from both Chance and Community Chest can be kept by players to be used whenever they wish.

A player can decide to pay to leave jail even while possessing the Get Out of Jail card. The Get Out of Jail card is unique. My reason is that they can be sold to other players for an agreed price or traded for a property.

On some Monopoly versions, only Chance cards have a property repair card. This card forces players to pay for every single house or hotel they own on each property. It can be a challenge if a player needs more cash at that point in the game. 

However, when the Chance cards put me in similar situations without enough money, I start selling houses and mortgaging properties.

Players can not mortgage properties with houses or hotels on them. Instead, they sell the houses to the bank at half the price before they can mortgage a property. Players are to sell houses evenly on every property.  

This means you can’t sell off houses on only one side of your property; you must sell off across all three. Mortgaged properties are to have their property cards turned over and placed beside the property to indicate a no payment upon landing on it. Players do not pay rent on mortgaged properties.

When properties are mortgaged, the bank gives the player half its worth. Whenever a player wants his mortgaged property back, he must return the amount to the bank. 

The updated 2021 Community Chest cards have property maintenance. You can pay as high as $115 for hotels and $40 for each house. If your Monopoly Community Chest cards do not have this card, you need not worry. You can still enjoy your game as other fines are in your version.

Furthermore, these cards can be dangerous when most players have several houses or hotels in the game. Assuming you only have one set of properties, imagine paying $40 for 12 houses or $115 for 3 hotels. That can be absolutely back-breaking.


Another difference between the Chance and Community Chest cards is color. Community Chest cards are blue, and Chance cards are orange. For some versions, Community Chest cards are peach-like, almost a deep shade of pink, while Chance cards are tan yellow.

On the Monopoly board, Community Chest spaces look alike with barely any difference. Chance spaces have similar question marks, but the prints have different colors. For some versions of Monopoly, you can find red, blue, and orange.

Note: the colors can vary based on the version of Monopoly. Branded versions have different colors and some different rules. Generally, the concept of the game remains the same.


 These two decks of cards occupy different places on the heart of the board. Community Chest has a designated space close to GO, while Chance is usually close to Free Parking. Wherever seat around the Monopoly board, it is clear which slot is for which card.

What Happens When You Pick Chance Card in Monopoly?

When a player picks a Chance card in Monopoly, the player must act upon what the card says. Card instructions cannot be postponed to a more suitable time. That kills the fun of the game. 

After following the instructions, players are expected to return cards to the bottom of the decked cards. 

However, Get Out of Jail Free cards can be kept by players until they are ready to use them or sell them to another player. Players must return the card to the bottom of the deck when it gets used.

What Happens When You Pick Community Chest Card in Monopoly?

If you pick a Community Chest card while playing Monopoly, you have a high chance of getting rewarded. However, refrain from banking on this. Always plan for the worst. Whatever the instructions may be, players are expected to carry them out immediately.

Like the Chance card, you can keep it until you’re ready to use or trade the Get Out of Jail Free card. These cards are also expected to be returned to the bottom of the deck once used.

Can Chance and Community Chest Cards Send You to Jail?

Yes. Both Community Chest cards and Chance cards can send players to jail. They both have the, Go to Jail card. Picking this card can be frustrating because players do not get a salary and have to repay all the rent for the houses they previously landed on if they land on them again. 

Most players think that Community Chest cards and Chance cards are opposites. They reason that only Chance cards have the Go to Jail cards, but they are wrong. 

Both decks of cards get to send you to jail. Community Chest cards only give you higher odds of getting positive results.

Next time you play Monopoly at your friend’s house and can’t find Go to Jail in Community Chest cards, ask him for it.

Suggested read: Go to Jail- Monopoly Jail Rules Explained

Can Community Chest Send You to Go?

Yes. Community Chest cards have an Advance to Go card.

When players draw this card, they are to move straight to go and collect their salary. I love this card because it means I earn a salary without paying rent on anyone’s property. 

Advancing to GO can have other advantages, like giving you a head start to pursue more properties with more money.

Next time you pick the Advance to Go card. Dance happily to GO, and remember to collect your salary.

Are Chance and Community Chest Cards Optional?

Chance and Community Chest cards are not optional. If you land on Chance, you must follow the instructions on the collected card. Although some players set Chance as optional in their house rule, it is not the official rule. 

Except for Go to Jail cards, Chance cards must be immediately acted upon. Go to Jail cards can be kept until a player uses them.

Can Chance and Community Chest Cards Earn You Money?

Chance and Community Chest cards can earn players money. However, Community Chest has a higher opportunity to reward players. As stated in the table above, 56% of the Community chest cards reward players, while 13% of Chance cards earn players money.

Just as these cards can make you money, they can also cost you money.

Where Do Chance and Community Chest Money Go?

Some Chance or Community Chest cards specify paying other players a certain amount. But in cases where other players are not mentioned, the money goes to the bank. Throwing money in the center of the board for whoever lands on Free Parking is a house rule. However, this rule simply takes the fun from the game.

Some players claim that throwing money on the center of the board for whoever lands on Free parking makes the game fun. Unfortunately, the reverse is the case. Although earning money on Free Parking can be exciting, the house rule slows down the game. The longer the game, the less fun, and that’s why this rule was never made official.

Chance Vs. Community Chest Cards

If I could choose between both cards, I would go for the Community Chest cards. They are more likely to reward players. Chance cards are purely based on luck. 

How Many Chance Cards are in Monopoly?

There are 16 Chance cards in Monopoly. Over the years, there have been different variations of these cards. 

How Many Community Chest Cards Are on a Monopoly Board?

There are 16 Community Chest cards in Monopoly. Other versions of the game have different instructions on them. Their colors may also differ. Whatever the case, they also make the game fun.

Monopoly Community Chest Card List

In 2021, Hasbro changed the Community Chest cards; below are the new cards.

You organize a group to clean up your town’s footpaths. COLLECT$50You buy a few bags of cookies from that school bake sale. Yum! PAY$50.You rescue a puppy – and you feel rescued too! GET OUT OF JAIL FREE.
You volunteered at a blood donation. There were free cookies! COLLECT$10.You go to the local school’s carwash fundraiser – but you forget to close your windows! PAY$100Blasting music late at night? Your neighbors do not approve. GO TO JAIL. DO NOT PASS GO. DO NOT COLLECT $200.
You set aside time every week to hang out with the elderly neighbor – you’ve heard some amazing stories! COLLECT$100.Your fuzzy friends at the animal shelter will be thankful for your donation. PAY$50.
You organize a street party so people on your road can get to know each other. COLLECT $10 from players.You should have volunteered for that home improvement project – you would have learned valuable skills! FOR EACH HOUSE YOU OWN, PAY. FOR EACH HOTEL YOU OWN, PAY.$40 (Houses)
and $115 (Hotels).
You help your neighbor bring in her groceries. She makes you lunch to say thanks! COLLECT$20.
You help build a new school playground – then you get to test the slide! COLLECT$100.
You spend the day playing games with kids at a local children’s hospital. COLLECT$100
Just when you think you can’t go another step, you finish that foot race – and raise money for your local hospital! ADVANCE TO GO. COLLECT$200
You help your neighbors clean up their Gardens after a big storm. COLLECT$200
You organize a bake sale for your local school. COLLECT$25