Just Visiting Jail In Monopoly

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Have you ever found your token on the Jail section of the Monopoly board but don’t remember picking a Go To Jail card from either Chance or Community Chest? You also do not remember landing on the Go To Jail space on the Monopoly board. And you think to yourself, How on earth am I already in jail?

Well, the good news is you’re not in jail. You’re just visiting jail. What does Just Visiting Jail mean in Monopoly? What are the pros and cons? If you keep reading this comprehensive article, you will fully understand all you need to know about the Just Visiting space on the Monopoly board. 

Before we delve into the facts and deets, here are a few facts about Just Visiting in Monopoly.

Quick Facts About Just Visiting In Monopoly

  • Monopoly created the space to draw a line between players in jail and those who are just cruising through.
  • If you find yourself in jail after paying a fine or rolling doubles, you do not move to Just Visiting.
  • Landing on Just Visiting has no negative or positive impact on your gameplay. It’s more like landing on Free Parking. Asides being a haven, it offers no other real advantage. 

What is Just Visiting Mean In Monopoly?

On the Monopoly board, Just Visting shares space with Jail. Hence, most people call it ‘Just Visiting Jail.’ 

The space allows players who start from GO to land on the jail space and pass through because they haven’t actually gone to jail. Suppose you roll 8 while on GO; you must land on the jail space. However, instead of placing your token on the jail space, put it on Just Visiting; that is why the space exists.

Imagine Just passing through jail, and other players can’t tell the difference between whose token is actually in jail and who is just visiting. Chaos! To avoid that, the creators of Monopoly have thankfully made that space for us.

What Happens When You Land On Just Visiting in Monopoly?

When a player lands on ‘Just Visiting’ in Monopoly, he gets no reward or punishment. Players cannot buy this space. Hence, it offers no real value to them. The ‘Just Visiting’ space simply provides a way for players to land on the jail space before they speed off to their next conquest. 

However, you must be aware of one thing when you land on the ‘Just Visiting’ space…

To avoid chaos and arguments among players, endeavor to place your token correctly on the Monopoly board. Placing your token on Jail while you’re ‘Just Visiting’ might cause arguments between players. 

If you place your token on the jail space, and your opponents disagree that you’re just visiting, you might face the consequences of being in Jail. You might have to pay a fine or stay in jail till you roll doubles within your first three rolls.

Like in real life, a person who visits others in jail is not subject to the restrictions as someone who is actually in jail. You can visit and leave without paying a fine or serving time.

Do you usually make a funny voice when you land on the ‘just visiting space while another player is in jail? Personally, I holla at my boy!! Because why not? 

Do You Go To Just Visiting After Paying To Get Out of Jail?

No, players who pay their fine to get out of jail do not have to move to ‘Just Visiting’ from jail. They roll and move the number specified on the dice. Usually, when a player is in jail, he can pay a $50 fine or roll doubles to get out of jail. 

He can also use a ‘Get-out-of-jail-free card if he has it. Once these terms are satisfied, the player moves on to his next conquest. 

For players in jail, you don’t have to move to the ‘Just Visiting’ space because it is literally in the same space as jail. You have technically not made any move if you stay in the same space after rolling the dice. 

Let’s see an example to make this all clearer. If you are playing the standard US Monopoly, you must land on Bow Street after paying the $50 fine and rolling 6. You see, barely an inconvenience. 

To learn more about the rules for getting out of jail in Monopoly, read this article: Go to Jail- Monopoly Jail Rules Explained.

Is Just Visiting The Same As Going To Jail?

Although ‘Just Visiting’ and Jail are in the same space, they are completely different. Think of it this way. You live in a house, a beautiful and modern house. You probably rented or bought this property from a landlord. 

Your friend who lives in another city is on a road trip to somewhere far away and asks to sleep over at your place. If your friend stays the night, can they say that they live in the same house as you?

 Can they claim that because you allowed them to spend the night, both of you have to pay rent or mortgage? Absolutely not. Your friend is simply passing. Your house was only a necessary stopping point to help them complete their journey.

That’s exactly how it is with ‘Just Visiting’ and ‘Jail.’ They are not the same. Players who land or jail are required to do one of three things. They either pay a $50 fine, roll doubles or use a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card. Whereas players who land on ‘Just Visiting’ pay no fine and are not subject to any form of restrictions. They are simply passing.

Do You Collect Rent While On Just Visiting?

Yes, you can collect rent while in the ‘Just Visiting’ space. This space is like someone who lands on Free Parking. Are you subject to any restrictions because you land on Free Parking? No.

The next time someone lands on your property while you’re on ‘Just Visiting,’ please collect rent from them. Remember, you need all the money you can get as you travel across the Monopoly board. 

Any rent wasted or left to another player can be the defining factor in the game. You might need more cash to pay an opponent’s rent or land on Luxury Tax, which requires that you pay high amounts. Either way, you need money as you play Monopoly. 

How Long Do You Stay On Just Visiting in Monopoly?

You only stay for as long as it takes the dice to get back to you. Remember, you are not subject to the rules limiting other players in jail. Those in jail can stay for up to three turns, after which they must use one of the exit methods mentioned earlier in this article. Pay a $50 fine, roll doubles, or use a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card. 

How Much Do You Pay For Landing On Just Visiting?

Unlike players who go to jail, players who land on ‘Just Visiting’ do not have to pay any fine. They must roll on their next turn and move their token to the corresponding number on the dice. However, players in jail must pay a $50 fine if they do not possess a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card and can’t roll doubles. 


Just Visiting can be confusing for most players. For others, they do not even notice that part of the board. However, this article has shed light on why you must know about this space on the Monopoly board and how to use it to your advantage. 

So the next time you land on ‘Just Visiting,’ roll your dice and take the next move in your search for conquest. 

It is important to remember that landing on the ‘Just Visiting’ space on the Monopoly board is not the same as being in Jail. You are not subject to the restrictions imposed on players who are actually in Jail.

Remember to properly place your token in the “Just Visiting” space to avoid confusing yourself and other players about where you are in the game. When players are unsure about your token’s position, they must agree on what happens to you next.

To enjoy the game, you must follow the official Monopoly rules. Players who cheat or break the rules frustrate other players and increase game time.